My milk tried to kill me!

i was riding to mc.donalds on meh magic gay pillow. (cause i fucking want to! and you can't do anything about it you dickhole!!!)
so i got there and stole milk and ran out. i opened it and the milk kicked me in the face. i fell down and the milk turned into a person form and we became friends but one day i was out of milk so i drank half of him so the milk man punched me. and i got meh ak 47 and shot him but i couldn't cause it was liquid (i didn't need to say that..) 
the milk choked me but i kicked it but couldn't cause its liquid (bitch i told you!)
so we then had a bithc fight and the milk man tried kicking meh balls and i drank it all and i won :( i meant :).
so i was happy and the next day i got milk and when i opened it a milk hand grabbed me and dragged me in and i got out as a milk person and i yelled awesome and some fat dick put me in a cup and drank me and i think i died.
and a skeleton popped out.